The Analytical Hierarchy Process is a very common method used in Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) to analyze participative assessments. However, due to the qualitative nature of this methodology, a high percentage of inconsistencies need to be addressed when analyzing user preferences. This work analyzes the efficiency of the Goal Programming model in order to reduce inconsistencies with pairwise comparisons when working with inexpert participants and time limitations. A case study has been carried out that assesses online courses in higher education with the Analytical Hierarchy Process in order to understand the usefulness and feasibility of the method. Evaluation of four e-learning tools (collaboration tools, content tools, tutorial sessions and evaluation tools) used in an online business degree were collected from 72 students through a ‘Saaty-type’ survey, and the model was applied to improve the consistency of these results. This model has been able to minimize the inconsistencies of individual preferences while avoiding the loss of primary information.
How to Cite
Goal Programming, Inconsistencies, e-learning, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Participative Decision Making
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