

Published Dec 23, 2009
Wiktor Adamus


The paper presents a solution to a real, current and significant problem for Poland. Poland, as a new EU country should join the Economic and Monetary Union – the Euro Zone – after fulfilling the convergence criteria set by the Maastricht Treaty, as soon as possible. Entering the zone, it should gain in many economic, social and political fields. We can therefore look for new opportunities. However, entering the Euro Zone also results in costs and risks. The paper aims to find such an alternative, which would maximize benefits and opportunities, and minimize costs and risks. The alternatives were developed – early, medium-term and late entry of Poland’s into the Euro Zone. The problem was solved by use of Analytic Network Process. Whether using the multiplicative or the additive/negative mathematical formulae, the conclusions show, without any doubt, that Poland should enter the Euro Zone late, that is, after 2011.


How to Cite

Adamus, W. (2009). WHEN SHOULD POLAND ENTER THE EURO ZONE?. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.13033/ijahp.v1i2.55


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Euro Zone, convergence indicators, Analytic Network Process, ANP

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