

Published Sep 19, 2016
Kristophorus Hadiono


One of the well-established methods that help the decision makers deal with multiple criteria is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) which utilizes a weighting approach. The process of decision making with multiple criteria is faster if all the weights of the factors related to a particular problem are clearly stated. However, if the weights of said factors are not well defined, or only their lower and upper weight limits are known, then the decision makers face considerable uncertainty because the standard AHP numerical procedure operates with deterministic values. As a result, the corresponding assessment preferences cannot be expressed in the form of a sequence of numerical values and implemented in the AHP evaluation. A practical approach is presented in this work to deal with the data uncertainty by implementing interval arithmetic in the AHP calculations so that the assessment preferences are presented in the form of interval numbers.

How to Cite

Hadiono, K. (2016). A PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERVAL ARITHMETIC IN AHP. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.13033/ijahp.v8i2.325


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AHP, interval arithmetic, interval numbers, decision making

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