Ali İhsan Boyacı Sinem Kurnaz
E-commerce, which is defined as making commercial transactions in an electronic environment, is becoming widespread with the increase of the use of internet and mobile devices. COVID-19 has greatly changed the consumption habits of individuals, increasing interest in electronic sales channels. Regardless of their size, most companies and retailers are currently looking for ways to engage their customers through electronic channels due to the effect of COVID-19. In this process, the rapidly increasing trend of electronic commerce raises an important question for companies, "In which e-marketplace should we sell?” In this study, five criteria that are important in the choice of the right e-marketplace were determined and eight online alternative e-marketplaces were evaluated. The study was carried out using the neutrosophic fuzzy AHP and EDAS methods, which are multi-criteria decision making techniques, and a framework was established for choosing the right e-commerce marketplace for sellers.
How to Cite
E-Commerce, MCDM, Neutrosophic Fuzzy AHP, EDAS, E-Marketplace, Covid-19
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