

Published Aug 10, 2022
Herna Octivia Damayanti Suradi Wijaya Saputra Dian Wijayanto Abdul Kohar Mudzakir Alin Fithor Rudiyanto


Fisheries management policies are needed to achieve the prosperity of society in Indonesia. The auction process at fisheries in Indonesia does not run optimally; therfore, the impact of the role and function of fish auctions is not yet the best it could be in some areas. This study aimed to formulate a strategy for managing 2nd and 3rd class fish auction places in Pati Regency. The research locations were the Puncel, Banyutowo, Alasdowo, Sambiroto, Margomulyo, and Pecangaan fish auctions in the Pati Regency. The research was conducted from January 2021 to November 2021. The research respondents, namely a sample of critical figures (key persons), were determined by purposive sampling of as many as 15 people. Data was analyszed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process and Expert Choice 11.0 software. The study results prioritize the most critical management strategies, namely fish production with a weight of 0.309 (30.9%), infrastructure with a weight of 0.295 (29.5%), institutions with a weight of 0.206 (20.6%), and human resources with a weight 0.190 (19.0%). The priority of alternative management strategies is as follows: (1) maintaining the existence of businesses run by fishermen, with a weight of 0.172 (17.2%), (2) improving facilities and infrastructure to support fish auction place operations, with a weight of 0.164 (16.4%), and (3) increasing the number of catches landed, with a weight 0.145 (14.5%).


How to Cite

Damayanti, H. O. ., Saputra, S. W. ., Wijayanto, D. ., Mudzakir, A. K. ., & Rudiyanto, A. F. (2022). MANAGEMENT STRATEGY OF 2nd and 3rd CLASS FISH AUCTION LOCATIONS IN PATI REGENCY, INDONESIA. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 14(2).


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Fish Auction Location, Strategy, Management

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