

Published Aug 10, 2022
Nima Moradi


Today, the university plays an important role in establishing a relationship between industry and academia by training a specialized workforce. Due to the important role of the university in the development of a country, evaluating the performance of the faculty or research centers of universities is one of the vital issues in the quality management of universities. In this paper, a performance evaluation method is presented for three faculty of a university located in Istanbul, Turkey (the name of university is kept in confidential due to the request of the university’s expert). The proposed method is based on the combination of Balanced Scorecard (BSC), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). First, BSC and AHP are integrated, and then the strategies and measures are introduced for each perspective of BSC. Then, by implementing the TOPSIS method, a comprehensive performance evaluation approach was proposed and discussed with the university management. The proposed methodology was validated by a real case study based on the judgments of students and verified by sensitivity analysis. Finally, several managerial insights, conclusions, and suggestions for future studies are presented.

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university performance evaluation, BSC, AHP, TOPSIS

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