

Published May 12, 2022
Tuan Nguyen Canh Truong


The study combined a qualitative analysis model and quantitative analysis to rank strategies in agricultural production in Ninh Thuan province, Vietnam. A strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) analysis is used to evaluate the characteristics of internal and external factors through the TOWS matrix. The research used the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to compare and rank the influence of the criteria on agricultural production. The AHP method quantified the weights of the factors in the TOWS matrix based on a pairwise comparison of the elements. The research results show that the AHP technique can help make the decisions of policymakers easier rather than making decisions based on qualitative uncertainty. The SWOT-AHP-TOWS model provides a new approach to drought in Vietnam using a quantitative tool based on multi-criteria analysis.

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Drought; SWOT analysis; AHP analysis; MCDM; TOWS Matrix

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