

Published Dec 19, 2021
Tamara Kaftandzieva Violeta Cvetkoska


In an uncertain economic environment, the decision-making process regarding personal finances relies heavily on personal experience and behavior, and is largely influenced by a variety of psychological and socio-demographic factors. The aim of this paper is to analyze the key factors of the decision-making process regarding financial choices of the population of young adults in the Republic of North Macedonia, and to further explain young people’s motives for the proposed decision and the conditions under which the decision was made. The research was conducted through an AHP-based questionnaire that was distributed to respondents ranging in age from 18 to 35 years. According to the obtained results, the respondents value financial security the most, hence their primary choice is investment in real estate and commodities. Young adults are less inclined to invest, especially in the more complex financial instruments. The developed AHP model will help young people make better, fact-based financial choices.

How to Cite

Kaftandzieva, T., & Cvetkoska, V. (2021). FINANCIAL DECISION MAKING AMONG YOUNG ADULTS: AN AHP APPROACH. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 13(3).


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financial decision-making, personal finance, young population, AHP

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