

Published Dec 19, 2021
Syafrizal Maludin Rizal Syarief Amzul Rifin Professor Nurul


This article aims to provide a dynamic picture of the technology transfer process in public research institutions in Indonesia that has been updated by establishing the National Research and Innovation Agency in August 2021. This body is directly under the President of the Republic of Indonesia based on Presidential Regulation number 78 of 2021. During the research period, there was a change in the landscape of technology transfer actors. Some of these changes are in line with the results of the analysis, namely increasing the role of GFRI and research and development agencies under the ministry. This change is referred to as technology transfer reassembly. The arrangement of technology transfer leads to a new form. The research was initiated in October 2017 using the AHP to determine the best institutional arrangement for integrating research. The AHP results show the rank of institutional arrangements from highest to lowest as Government Funded Research Institutes (GFRI) (0.27833), a research division under the Ministerial Office (0.24890), universities (0.17966), private R&D (0.13589) and foreign agencies (0.07214). Government Funded Research Institutes are the top choice of experts for having a significant role in the technology transfer process. The core function of GFRI in the technology transfer system is to plan, conduct and develop technology and they have contributed significantly to the policy-making process by providing information and policy recommendations. This research enriched the application of the recommendations by establishing the National Research and Innovation Agency as the most influential actor in building a national technology transfer system.

How to Cite

Maludin, S., Syarief, R., Rifin, A. ., & Rochman, N. T. (2021). REASSEMBLING TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER IN INDONESIA. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 13(3).


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Analytic Hierarchy Process, government technology transfer, Law No. 11/2019, public research institutes, science technology parks, technology business incubator

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