

Published Dec 11, 2019
Johanis Ohoitimur James Krejci Jozef Richard Raco Yulius Raton Frankie Taroreh


Strategic planning is commonly used in profit-oriented institutions. However, it is rarely applied to non-profit organizations such as churches. The Holy Bible reveals the extensive use of strategic management by the believers as documented both in the Old and New Testament, in regards to the implementation of strategic planning to organize the people of God. The Vicariate Episcopal of Tonsea of the Diocese of Manado, as a local Catholic Church Community decided on applying strategic planning methods to rank priorities of tasks required to meet their pastoral mission. Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process, the study reveals that the ranking of the key elements of their mission, the program of the Ministry of the Word and Sacrament, was the highest priority at 23.8%, followed by preserving the treasury of faith of  20.1%, then the fellowship and leadership with 19.7%, promoting the dignity of the laity with 14.4%, the Catholic education with 11.9% and the last was managing the Church property with 10.2%. The highest ranked sub-criteria were; organizing pastoral structure (7.6%), followed by the upgrading catechetic program (7.2%), then role model and competency of liturgy leadership (7.0%). This study provides direction to the parish priests of the Vicariate Episcopal of Tonsea and provides a methodology to formulate their strategic plans and best utilize their resources. This study demonstrated the importance of the Analytical Hierarchy Process in determining the priority of the programs identified by the Church. The researchers recommend further and deeper research on other Vicariates of the Diocese of Manado.

How to Cite

Ohoitimur, J., Krejci, J., Raco, J. R., Raton, Y., & Taroreh, F. (2019). ANALYSIS OF THE PASTORAL STRATEGIC PLANNING PRIORITIES OF THE VICARIATE EPISCOPAL OF TONSEA OF THE DIOCESE OF MANADO. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 11(3), 415–434.


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analytical hierarchy process, strategic planning, management, catholic, vicariate episcopal of tonsea, diocese of manado

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