Implementation of an Online Software Tool for the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP-OS)



Published Dec 6, 2018
Klaus D Goepel


The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) remains a popular multi-criteria decision method. The author has implemented a free, web-based AHP online system with noteworthy features, allowing for the detailed analysis of decision problems. Besides standard functions, like flexible decision hierarchies, support to improve inconsistent judgments, and alternative evaluation and sensitivity analysis, the software can handle group input, calculate group consensus based on Shannon ? and ?-entropy and estimate weight uncertainties based on randomized small variations of input judgments. In addition, different AHP judgment scales can be applied a posteriori and alternative evaluation can be done using the weighted sum (WSM) or weighted product model (WPM). This flexibility opens up opportunities to study decision projects under various parameters. The author’s intention was to provide a complete and free software tool for educational and research purposes where calculations and algorithms are well documented and all input data and results can be exported in an open format for further processing or presentation. The article describes the basic concept and structure of the software and the underlying mathematical algorithms and methods. Challenges and practical experiences during the implementation, validation and productive phase of the software are highlighted.

How to Cite

Goepel, K. D. (2018). Implementation of an Online Software Tool for the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP-OS). International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 10(3).


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multi-criteria decision making, Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP software, AHP online, AHP group decision making

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