The Analytic Network Process: Astronomy, Icebergs, and Big Box Stores



Published Apr 11, 2018
Orrin Cooper


The Analytic Network Process (ANP) is a disruptive technology that has had significant impacts in the field of decision-making. By drawing on an analogy to the field of astronomy we can see that even with all that has been developed we must avoid the illusion of thinking that the field is mature and fully discovered. The ANP has many parallels to icebergs from what portion is visible to the value of providing relevant warning products. One of the most important contributions going forward will be the discovery of the more complex and hidden relationships and tests that ANP decision makers can use to test their models. These discoveries will improve both the reputation of the ANP and decision maker’s confidence in their models. Without these discoveries, the ANP runs the risk of becoming like a big box retail store.

How to Cite

Cooper, O. (2018). The Analytic Network Process: Astronomy, Icebergs, and Big Box Stores. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 10(1).


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Analytic Network Process (ANP), dependence, data quality, judgmental data

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