

Published Feb 28, 2018
Mustafa Özdemir Müjgan Sa??r Özdemir


Meeting the need for qualified staff in the field of air traffic control depends primarily on selection of appropriate candidates among many applicants. The selection of competent air traffic controllers, who play a vital role in the air traffic system, is of critical importance and is usually conducted through multi-stage examinations. It is also important to use correct methods in the selection process in order to identify the most suitable candidates. In particular, the application of subjective examinations, such as interviews in a standard way, and determination and standardization of criteria can assist in selecting the right candidates. Within this context, the student selection process in an air traffic control department is investigated, with the aim of supporting the interview examination through the Analytic Hierarchy Process. The criteria weighting is determined by expert opinion. Thirty-nine candidates are ranked according to the AHP, with the current and proposed rankings being compared. As a result, the ranking has changed significantly with the proposed approach.

How to Cite

Özdemir, M., & Sa??r Özdemir, M. (2018). THE USE OF THE ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS FOR ADMISSION TO AN AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEPARTMENT. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 10(1).


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Analytic Hierarchy Process, air traffic control, interview

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