Dr. Kahraman is Among the 100 Prominent Turkish scientists contributing to world science



Published Sep 13, 2017
Birsen Karpak


Dr. Kahraman (the first on the right), who serves on the IJAHP Board iof Editors, was recognized among the 100 most prominent Turkish scientists contributing to world science, and received a plate from the Technical University of Istanbul for his studies on Industrial Engineering and Fuzzy Set theory on September 8, 2017. Cengiz Kahraman is our guest editor for a special issue on AHP Variants Based on Extensions of Ordinary Fuzzy Sets which will be published in December 2018. 


How to Cite

Karpak, B. (2017). Dr. Kahraman is Among the 100 Prominent Turkish scientists contributing to world science. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.13033/ijahp.v9i2.501


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