

Published May 10, 2017
Gabriella Marcarelli


The evaluation of healthcare organizations is complex due to the trade-offs between all healthcare features, benefits and costs to consider and the great number of stakeholders involved. Each healthcare policy is multidimensional and its criteria are both objective and subjective in nature, so multicriteria methods are appropriate decision-making tools for a general manager in the evaluation process. This paper proposes to evaluate the strategic policies of an Italian Healthcare Organization by means of the Analytic Network Process (ANP) integrated with a revised Balanced Scorecard (r-BSC) approach. This integrated network model allows one to take into account the micro-macro organizational setting opportunities and some normative constraints and incentives, typical of the Italian health context. So, it may be useful not only to rank strategic policies and derive priorities for perspectives, objectives and metrics involved in a strategic map, but also to assign a performance index to each element of the network model.


How to Cite

Marcarelli, G. (2017). EVALUATING HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS BY A NETWORK MODEL WHICH INTEGRATES ANP WITH A REVISED-BSC. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.13033/ijahp.v9i1.443


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Healthcare organization, strategic management, Analytic Network Process, Balanced Scorecard, organizational decision making

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