

Published Dec 21, 2016
Claudio E. Garuti


This article addresses the problem of measuring closeness in weighted environments (decision-making environments). This article is relevant because of the importance of having a dependable cardinal measure of distance in weighted environments. A weighted environment is a non-isotropic structure where the different directions (axes) may have different importance (weight) hence, privileged directions exist. In this kind of a structure, it would be very important to have a cardinal reliable index that is able to show how close or compatible the set of measures of one individual is with respect to the group or to any other, or how close one pattern of behavior is to another.  A few common examples of the application of this are the interaction between actors in a decision making process (system values interaction), matching profiles, pattern recognition, and any situation where a process of measurement with qualitative variables is involved.

How to Cite

Garuti, C. E. (2016). NEW ADVANCES OF THE COMPATIBILITY INDEX "G" IN WEIGHTED ENVIRONMENTS. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 8(3).


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Weighted Environments, Measurement, Compatibility index G, Order Topology

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