

Published May 10, 2017
Jorge Muniz Jr
Luis Oliveira Nascimento Henrique Rocha Martins Luis Alberto Duncan Rangel


New products are continuously developed in order to support customized demands. Flexibility supports customized demands, low costs, and agility, but it remains a challenge with regards to high-volume and high-diversity complexity as observed in trucks production. This research aims to discuss an assessment approach based on AHP application to rank flexibility projects. It is a multi-criteria decision method based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Decision-makers (88 managers) from different truck plant areas (production, logistics, quality, sales and finance) were interviewed and asked to consider lean thinking, mass customization, and agility to rank flexibility improvement projects that aim to reduce time-to-market and increase company competitiveness increase.


How to Cite

Muniz Jr, J., Nascimento, L. O., Martins, H. R., & Rangel, L. A. D. (2017). FLEXIBILITY ASSESSMENT TO MITIGATE COMPLEXITY: TRUCKS PRODUCTION ANALYSIS. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.13033/ijahp.v9i1.404


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flexibility, lean, agility, complexity, trucks

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