The country of Turkey has seen such mess since “Occupy Gezi Park†in 2013. This mess has included events such as terrorism attacks, suicide bomber explosions in crowded public places, war conditions both inside the country and at the borders, protests against the government and meetings that the authorities deem illegal. In almost all these situations involving disturbances, the main responsibility falls to the policemen. It is important to remember that policemen are human beings and their jobs and responsibilities place huge loads on their shoulders. While the public expects them to do their job, which is to provide public safety, one must also consider the factors that negatively affect them and make their job stressful. This research aims to order all of the stress factors of policemen hierarchically using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, and then suggest solutions to cope with these stressors. According to the results, “danger level†is the greatest stressor, and “age†is the least stressor.Â
How to Cite
Police, stressors, AHP
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