

Published Apr 20, 2016
Jacek Strojny Wim Hejman


The modern economic landscape dynamically creates new and often difficult conditions in which all types of organizations must function. In management sciences literature the companies sector is the situation most often analyzed, yet it is also important to improve the management processes in public administration. The global economic crisis that started in 2008 assumed the form of a public finance crisis especially in developed economies. Public authorities are forced to meet the rising expectations of democratic societies while maintaining financial discipline. The pressure to optimize public spending constantly increases. Decision-making processes must therefore focus on the dimensions most relevant to the development of economic systems data. This research takes into account these realities, and focuses on the competitiveness of regions located in so-called Eastern Poland. The study uses a multi-criteria comparative analysis based on the AHP method. The procedure involved building models of competitiveness which systemize statistical variables describing the phenomenon of competitiveness. Based on these models, measurements were constructed and the level of competitiveness was calculated.  The regions selected for the case study are separated according to the Polish cohesion policy due to their similar developmental problems. The author is very familiar with the context of development for the selected regions which makes the evaluation of the usefulness of the results obtained by the analysis easier.


How to Cite

Strojny, J., & Hejman, W. (2016). AHP BASED MULTICRITERIA COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF REGIONS OF EASTERN POLAND. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.13033/ijahp.v8i1.373


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public administration, regional competitiveness, strategic management, AHP, comparative analysis

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