The Australian housing supply has not been adequate to meet the constantly growing demand. Four main factors driving this undersupply in Australian housing are: (1) house completion time; (2) cost of finished house; (3) customer preferences and (4) level of skilled labor. Offsite manufacturing (OSM) could become a key innovation for the future of Australian house building as it provides capacity in meeting the growing housing demand, green construction and lesser requirements for a labor force. OSM is a modern construction method in which house building components are produced in offsite factories and then transported to the construction site to be assembled. The supply responsiveness of OSM can be enhanced by employing lean and agile concepts. In this study, four Leagile strategies are suggested to facilitate house builders decision making based on different combinations of housing supply factors. This paper matches these four strategies with the four studied factors in Australian house building using the Analytical Network Process (ANP). The data employed for the ANP model was derived from the actual specifications of 258 houses built in five Australian states by five major house builders. The results from the ANP model show the suitability in applying each strategy under different degrees influenced by the factors tested.
How to Cite
Off-site manufacturing, Australian housing supply, Leagile strategies, ANP
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