

Published Apr 20, 2016
Sanjay Kumar Sunil Luthra Abid Haleem


The management of Industry-Institute Interactions (III) has been found to be an important aspect in today’s market. In this paper an attempt has been made to identify Critical Factors (CFs) and rank these for effective III from an Indian perspective. The present paper is based on two research stages. Initially, an extensive literature review was conducted to identify CFs of III. Forty three CFs for effective III were identified and categorized into nine dimensions based on input from experts. In the second stage, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was utilized to rank these dimensions and CFs for effective III from an Indian perspective. Paired comparisons in AHP were based on the opinions of experts (selected from academia and industry). The proposed decision framework may offer some valuable guidelines for policy makers to develop their plan of action in terms of design of short and long term policies and strategies to promote effective III in India. A sensitivity analysis was also performed to investigate the robustness and priority ranking stability of CFs in the proposed framework. This paper may help India to achieve and manage effective III leading to potential economic, social, political, cultural and environmental advantages.

How to Cite

Kumar, S., Luthra, S., & Haleem, A. (2016). CRITICAL FACTORS IMPORTANT FOR EFFECTIVE INDUSTRY- INSTITUTE INTERACTIONS (III): AN INDIAN PERSPECTIVE. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 8(1).


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Critical Factors (CFs), Indian perspective, Industry- Institute Interactions (III), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), research and development (R & D), sensitivity analysis

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