

Published Dec 23, 2009
Yuji Sato


The objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of multiple-choice method, ranking method, rating method and the application of Analytic Hierarchy Process in measuring human perception. The AHP not only clearly identifies the most important alternative but also the preference for each alternative by each decision maker. Therefore, using AHP to analyze the decision-making process may result in a precise clarification of preference for alternatives. Based on survey researches on social issues, the results offered some evidence that the application of the AHP was superior to traditional questionnaire methods in representing human perceptions.

How to Cite

Sato, Y. (2009). HOW TO MEASURE HUMAN PERCEPTION IN SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRES. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 1(2).


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survey questionnaire, multiple-choice, ranking, rating, Feeling Thermometer

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