Many companies today use competency models in human resources management. Well-designed competency models can be used by the company in many ways. They can aid human resource management in the following ways: recruitment, performance management, training and development, recognition and awards, compensation and succession planning. The main aim of this article is to determine key competencies for a top manager in a middle size automotive company. Firstly, the paper begins with a description of competency models and their development and utilization. Next, the competencies are decomposed so that AHP can be used for their evaluation, and weights are computed according to AHP methodology for individual competencies. Then, individual competencies are ranked in order of importance. Further, the author compared the current key competencies rankings with results from last year to see if there have been any changes in the rankings as a result of changes in the company’s strategy.
How to Cite
AHP, analytic hierarchy process, competency models, key competencies
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