

Published Aug 12, 2015
Claudemir L. Tramarico Fernando A. S. Marins Ligia M. S. Urbina Valerio A. P. Salomon


Supply chain management (SCM) is a critical factor in the current global scenario. This organizational capability has a recent knowledge base, which is being accumulated, validated, and certified by groups like the Association for Operations Management (APICS). Therefore, training in SCM has been growing as one of the most convenient ways of becoming “Certified in Production and Inventory Management†(CPIM) from APICS. Companies all over the world have invested in SCM training; however, some companies have conditioned the continuity of their training programs to the benefits assessment. This paper contributes by proposing an evaluation model for specific program training on SCM. This model was applied in a global chemical company, which allowed capturing its impact on organizational and individual competencies, as well as on the core competencies. The proposed model includes the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and concepts in the SCM literature. The main result revealed by this research is that an SCM training based on APICS CPIM is really perceived as beneficial, in individual or organizational terms, for a real-world company. Therefore, this company should be confident that its SCM training program is improving and strengthening its core competencies.

How to Cite

Tramarico, C. L., Marins, F. A. S., Urbina, L. M. S., & Salomon, V. A. P. (2015). BENEFITS ASSESSMENT OF TRAINING ON SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 7(2).


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Analytic Hierarchy Process, Supply Chain Management, Training

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