Wage management is an important task which affects a firm’s productivity in the short term and the consistency of the firm’s activities in long term. If an organization fails to establish a fair wage policy among the personnel, conflict is inevitable in the organization. A fair wage policy can be achieved by job evaluation, which is a technique used to determine the relative importance of all jobs in an organization. Jobs are evaluated with respect to ability, responsibility, effort, and job condition factors etc. which make it a multi-criteria problem for organizations. In this study, a job evaluation methodology is developed for a state bank in Turkey. The relative importance of the evaluation criteria which is then used to grade jobs with respect to one another by a Liberatore scale is determined by an Analytic Network Process (ANP) model. This new methodology has a positive effect on competence and performance management systems.
How to Cite
Job Evaluation, Analytic Network Process, Multi Criteria Decision Making, Banking.
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