

Published Oct 1, 2014
Mohsen Miri Manouchehr Omidvari Ahmad Sadeghi Hasan Haleh


The purpose of this paper is to show how some of the main results existing in the insurance service quality, as a huge service sector, utilizing SERVQUAL scale and ANP model can be effectively used in scientifically ranking strategies instead of the traditional models, which is unfortunately more popular in ranking the branches of insurance companies .This approach is used to show how the ranking decisions changes as a function of service quality utilizing ANP model. This study evaluated the quality of services of DANA insurance company branches to measure policy holders’ views toward current level and expected level of quality. The standard questionnaire “SERVQUALâ€, emphasizing on measuring the gap between the level of current and Expected quality was used and the proposed algorithm utilized the analytic network process (ANP), which allows  measurement of the dependency among the quality dimensions, to rank the branches.

The results showed difference between policy holders ’expectations and current level of quality of services in all dimensions of service quality. According to the ANP limit super matrix it was revealed that there was a significant difference between the proposed ranking approach and the traditional one.

How to Cite

Miri, M., Omidvari, M., Sadeghi, A., & Haleh, H. (2014). DEVELOPING ANP TO RANK THE BRANCHES OF AN INSURANCE COMPANY BASED ON SERVQUAL. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 6(1).


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ANP, SERVQUAL, service industry

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