

Published Apr 20, 2016
Jose Fabiano Serra Costa Aline Ramos Borges Thaís dos Santos Machado


The textile sector is one of the most important among all industrial branches. It is important in world commerce because it is a highlight both in the economy of developed countries and in emergent countries. The purpose of this study is to help a Brazilian textile company, which specializes in jeans production, to study the conditions for installing a plant in three possible regions where the most important textile companies of the country are located. In the study, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multicriteria methodology for decision support, is used and results show a slight tendency toward the Rio de Janeiro state when compared to the Santa Catarina state, with both presenting a significant advantage over the Rio Grande do Norte state.

How to Cite

Serra Costa, J. F., Borges, A. R., & Machado, T. dos S. (2016). ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS APPLIED TO INDUSTRIAL LOCATION: A BRAZILIAN PERSPECTIVE ON JEANS MANUFACTURING. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 8(1).


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Textile industry, industrial location, multicriteria decision, AHP

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