

Published Jan 10, 2014
Yasaman Bijan Abbas Keramati Mona Salehi


This study proposes a model for comparing the customer satisfaction indices of two or more ecommerce competitors in order to select the most preferred website in a specific context. The importance of customer satisfaction factors from the user’s point of view were calculated in the specific context of ecommerce. This study takes a new step towards integrating satisfaction literature by proposing a model for ranking the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) factors based on users' expectations about different online contexts. Hence, the approach provides a new way to compare customer satisfaction among e-business competitors. The suggested model was shaped by merging the Analytic Network Process (ANP) approach with the ACSI for ecommerce. The model tested two Iranian e-recruitment websites through a survey designed and conducted via emails to those who had used both web sites. Subsequently, the relative importance of the factors was determined, and finally e-recruitment websites were compared with each other. As a result, the most preferred website with respect to different ACSI factors was chosen and the relative importance of each ACSI factor considering the influence it had on the use of the e-recruitment website and user satisfaction was identified.

How to Cite

Bijan, Y., Keramati, A., & Salehi, M. (2014). COMPARISON OF USER SATISFACTION OF E-COMMERCE WEBSITES BY THE ANALYTIC NETWORK PROCESS. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 5(2).


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Analytic Network Process (ANP), Multi Criteria decision making (MCDM), Online Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction Index, Ebusiness

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