Land suitability analysis is a beneficial activity in land resource planning and management. This study aimed to evaluate land suitability for okra cultivation in Nagari Nanggalo, Koto XI Tarusan District, Pesisir Selatan Regency, Indonesia, by integrating the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method with Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Topographic factors, climate, and soil characteristics were considered in this suitability assessment. Based on the research, it was concluded that in the land evaluation for okra cultivation, soil factors played the most significant role, with a weight of 53.9% according to the AHP analysis, followed by climate factors at 29.7% and topographic factors at 16.4%. The land suitability analysis results indicated that 87.05% (321 ha) of the area was highly suitable (S1), and 12.95% (47.80 ha) of the area was moderately suitable (S2) for okra cultivation. This research demonstrated that the area had the potential for okra production. However, it should be noted that proper soil management, as well as soil and water conservation measures, should be considered to enhance the current land suitability and improve crop yield. The soil map for land suitability designed in this study is useful for management decision-making.
How to Cite
Geographic Information System (GIS), AHP, Land evalution, Okra cultivation
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