This article presents a comprehensive model using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for faculty search and selection at a regional university. After developing and applying evaluation criteria based on generalized position descriptions, the search committee chose to revise the criteria using the AHP. The revision allowed for more detailed and relevant assessments of candidate competencies and experience. While full implementation of the AHP was time-constrained, outcomes revealed greater consensus regarding preferred qualifications and presented a clearly defined rationale to support recommendations. In the decision-making process, the main criteria included degree, teaching, student engagement, research, service, experience, and diversity. Some of the main criteria had associated detailed sub-criteria. Although the AHP is typically used early in the faculty selection process, in this specific scenario, the initial elimination of candidates from the pool was made simpler by clearly defining the required qualifications and then closely evaluating the preferred qualifications. This article aims to assist higher education institutions in prioritizing and ranking their selection criteria, which have been found to be similar across different institutions.
How to Cite
AHP, Faculty search, human resources, decision-making, multi-criteria decision making
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