Investigation about project success has attracted the interest of many researches and practitioners. Determining the critical success factors for procurement of capital projects is a contemporary phenomenon. This paper presents the outcome of an investigation into the critical success factors in Public-Private-Partnerships (P-P-P) for procurement of capital projects using the multi-criteria decision making process. Drawing from the results of responses to a survey of 705 experts involved in P-P-P projects worldwide, the paper presents the critical success factors (CSF) from a list of 47 factors, identified as contributing to the successful delivery of capital projects. The study revealed that owner satisfaction with the delivered project, adherence to schedules/budget/quality/ safety/environmental controls, and appropriate funding mechanisms were predictable factors while lack of legal encumbrances, clearly defined project mission and adequate planning and control techniques were less commonly expected factors.
How to Cite
Analytic Hierarchy Process, Critical Success Factors, Multi-Criteria Decision Making, Infrastructure, Public-Private Partnerships
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