

Published Aug 8, 2024
Wresni Anggraini Wakhid S. Ciptono Luluk Lusiantoro Heru K.Tjahjono


This study aims to propose a strategy to strengthen the halal integrity in the food supply chain through investigating and exploring the practice of a traceability system in the broiler chicken supply chain by adopting the Analytic Network Process (ANP) approach. This strategy was developed using an embedded single case study on an end-to-end broiler chicken supply chain in Riau Province, Indonesia. The three distinct data collection methods were in-depth semi-structured interviews guided by the Delphi principle, field observations, and document analysis. Subsequently, the data were meticulously coded and analyzed using NVivo 14 software through template analysis. The development of themes and sub-themes from the final template facilitated the construction of the ANP model, comprising four clusters with a total of 28 criteria. The results indicated that in the business actor and activity cluster, the end consumer criterion was the priority with a weighting value of 0.222. In the stakeholder cluster, the priority was the Halal Inspection Agency (HIA) criterion with a weighting value of 0.178. Meanwhile, the business actors’ awareness of halal integrity assurance criterion had a weighting value of 0.217 in the barriers and challenges to adopting a halal traceability system. The criterion lean knowledge management process (LKM) for all supply chain actors is the priority for cluster strategy to strengthen halal integrity with weighting value of 0.338. This study showed the importance of upholding halal integrity within food supply chains, which are becoming increasingly complex.

How to Cite

Anggraini, W., S. Ciptono, W., Lusiantoro, L., & K.Tjahjono, H. (2024). ADOPTION OF ANALYTIC NETWORK PROCESS TO STRENGTHEN HALAL INTEGRITY IN BROILER CHICKEN SUPPLY CHAIN . International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 16(1).


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Halal integrity; Traceability; Broiler chickens supply chain; ANP

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