

Published Jul 17, 2013
Emmanel Olateju Oyatoye Angela Daniel


Until very recently, income level was largely regarded as the basic measure of poverty. However, there is now a new understanding that recognizes that the dimensions of poverty go beyond this paradigm. This study investigates the ranking of those factors that are crucial to a successful poverty reduction programme. The study employed the survey research design distributing copies of a questionnaire using the simple random sampling method. A total of 950 questionnaires were distributed to poverty reduction stakeholders, grassroots women and men, and other organizations that focus on poverty reduction in Nigeria. An analysis of the results revealed that past poverty reduction programmes embarked on by various administrations, did not take into consideration factors and alternatives that are essential to successful poverty reduction. The study has therefore prioritized these factors and alternatives.

How to Cite

Oyatoye, E. O., & Daniel, A. (2013). AN INVESTIGATION OF THE RANKING OF FACTORS THAT ARE CRUCIAL TO SUCCESSFUL POVERTY REDUCTION PROGRAMMES. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 5(1).


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Investigation, ranking, crucial factors, poverty reduction, programme

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