

Published Dec 27, 2011
Eugene Kopytov Vasilijs Demidovs Natalia Petukhova


This paper considers different choices for the optimal data model of train schedule presentation. The authors have suggested three possible models that differ in building principles, of presenting temporal data of the train schedule in Information Systems. Three popular multiple-criteria decision making methods were examined in order to choose the best model. The study presents the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as the most suitable one for comparative evaluation of different data presentation models of the train schedule. In the study, thirteen evaluating criteria are developed which are distributed in three groups: hardware, maintenance and performance. The research is carried out for four different classes of IS: web-based schedule systems, mobile schedule systems, ticket sales systems and rail traffic management systems. MS Excel 2007 was used to display the AHP method; however a visualization tool called conditional formatting has been used to present the most important criteria and the preferred alternatives.

How to Cite

Kopytov, E., Demidovs, V., & Petukhova, N. (2011). APPLICATION OF THE ANALITIC HIERARCHY PROCESS IN DEVELOPMENT OF TRAIN SCHEDULE INFORMATION SYSTEMS. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 3(2).


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multi-criteria analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process, pairwise comparison, data model, train schedule, results visualization

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