Zeynep Tuğçe Kalender
Can Korkmaz Betül Kaya
The ability to adapt to changes in information and communication technologies is essential for all organizations. Companies that fail to correctly perceive the need for these changes and delay their implementation are doomed to disappear. In this context, the term Industry 4.0 is used to refer to digital improvement studies. It aims to increase profitability by reducing production costs without increasing the focus areas of companies. Determining the level of digitalization is as important as completing the digitalization infrastructure to bring Industry 4.0 to life. In this way, companies can determine their current digitalization status and maintain their competitiveness. They can also decide the steps needed to implement Industry 4.0. Currently, there are many methods and models used to determine the level of digitalization. However, this study takes a distinctive approach by aiming to develop an integrated methodology tailored for quantifying Industry 4.0 maturity in companies. To begin, the dimensions used within the Industry 4.0 maturity assessment were extracted from the literature. Then, a focus group approach was utilized by experts to eliminate the unimportant dimensions. Next, Interval-Valued Spherical Fuzzy AHP (IVSF-AHP) was used to determine the importance weights of the determined dimensions. Finally, the Industry 4.0 maturity level of an aviation/defense company was calculated by applying the proposed methodology based on the data collected via the questionnaire. Therefore, this proposed methodology provides a potent instrument for accurately appraising progress in digital transformation, refining strategies, and securing success in an evolving technology-driven environment.
How to Cite
Industry 4.0, Maturity model, IVSF-AHP
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