

Published Oct 4, 2023
Khaled M. S. Gad El Mola


Managing supplementary parts for plants and machines plays a major role in accomplishing the needed system availability in a cost-effective manner. Today’s industrial demands require mature technology that is strong in terms of capital and bulk-production oriented. However, the idleness of these machines and equipment due to unavailability of spare parts is a major problem and barrier to effective systems availability. This study aims to develop an effective manufacturing strategy for spare parts. A case study was conducted at a General Water Desalination Establishment in Saudi Arabia to select the right strategy to reduce the total downtime and total maintenance costs of equipment. The results showed the importance of creating a production plan that suits an organization’s ability to manage the supply chain for customers and ensure the company remains competitive within its market. Identification of critical spare parts of equipment for maintenance operations is one of the key decision-making activities to obtain lower downtime for equipment and inventory costs. Therefore, decision-makers should apply the best method and use accurate criteria to analyze and rank the spare parts based on criticality. The strategies proposed in the present study assure that these important parts are available for maintenance and repair of the plant and machinery when required at an optimum cost.


How to Cite

El Mola, K. M. S. G. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF A MANUFACTURING STRATEGY OF SPARE PARTS: A CASE STUDY. International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, 15(2).


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control characteristics, logistic characteristics, criticality, manufacturing strategy, spare parts, multi-criteria decision making, analytic hierarchy process

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